NWCSL Warrington home to The Northern 2

NWCSL Warrington home to The Northern 2

Posted on 6th Feb 2023, 12:00am

Warrington completed the expected win against The Northern 2nd Team on Tuesday.
All the matches were fairly straight-forward, with the biggest fight coming from Jules Abbas. Fresh from his confidence boosting win last week against Matt Lowrey, he gave Rob Taylor a real run for his money. Rob definitely looked fatigued as the match went on, while Jules continued to fling himself around the court. In the end, Rob had a bit too much accuracy to see him through (below).
James Willstrop and Rui played exciting opponents, but who were a little too erratic for such seasoned, class professionals (Below & Top).
Charlie Cowie continued his good form to dominate Warrington resident Luis North. These two had a really close match in the first half of the season, but this time Charlie played a bit better and Luis played a bit worse than last time.
Matt Roberts got The Northern's only win, beating me 3-1.
We keep the pressure on Cheetham Hill at the top of the table. Cheetham lead by 4 points after playing a game more.
Next week Warrington travel to the ever toasty, Bollington.
James Willstrop bt Ali Khawas 3-0
Rui Soares bt Bader Almaghrebi 3-0
Andy Whipp lost to Matt Roberts 3-1
Charlie Cowie bt Luis North 3-0
Rob Taylor bt Jules Silvera Abbas 3-1
Andy Whipp
Photos: Richard Bradbury

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