NWCSL - The Northern 1 v Warrington

NWCSL - The Northern 1 v Warrington

Posted on 16th Mar 2023, 12:00am

Last night Warrington claimed a 5-0 away win over The Northern 1.

First up was the peg-leg Andy Whipp taking on Matt Wagg (Below). Andy, still struggling to reach all 4 corners of the court, played a steady patient game and was rewarded with mistakes from Matt. As each of the first two games approached the finish line, Andy had the edge and pulled out a 2-game lead. Matt won the next game, but that seemed to make Andy even more determined not to throw it away and he was able to close out the match for a very welcome 3 points.



Emily Whitlock was on next against Garth Van Der Wath (Above). Emily was on form and her accuracy was just too much for Garth. She wrapped up a comfortable 3-0 win. Charlie Cowie played Josh Morris on the second court. Charlie started well and won the close first game. The he went AWOL for the next losing 11:1. He re-grouped, got the bit between the teeth and won the next 2 games 11:4, though watching it, you never felt totally at ease (Below).



Meanwhile Rui Soares and Michael Andrews were battling it out on the main court (Below). After a comfortable first game for Rui, things hotted up nicely. The onlookers were treated to some fast and furious rallies with lightening reflexes. Andrew levelled the score. Another close game saw Rui take the lead once more. This time, Michael had no answer.


Finally, it was the turn of the bald assassin against Muqtadir Nimji (Below). This was a hard-fought contest. While James holds his shots and uses height well; Muqs is incredibly quick around the court. All this made for an enthralling match and the score line does not entirely do Muqs justice.



So, a full 20 points secured which was just as well, as Cheetham Hill also racked up 20 points against a weakened Bowdon team. Therefore, we head into the big one next week when the top two teams meet for the second time. A win for Warrington would all but secure the title, whereas a win for Cheetham Hill means it all depends on the results from the final matches of the season.



Richard Bradbury


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