NWCSL Liverpool v Warrington

NWCSL Liverpool v Warrington

Posted on 30th Mar 2023, 12:00am

Rui to the Rescue!

Warrington travelled to a Liverpool needing just two points to win their 6th league title in a row - somewhat of a formality most would assume - this couldn't have been more wrong!
Liverpool had a strong line-up with both George Parker and Lwamba available. With all of our 'Big Guns' available; Joel Makin, Adrian Waller, Rui Soares and Ben Smith. However, Joel needed a rest after his brutal schedule of late where he's been beating all of the top 8 players in the world at an almost daily occurrence. So we opted for Rui and Ben, with Ben also starting a PSA event the next day at the same venue.
On Tuesday afternoon our ever-reliable Charlie Cowie decided to dislocate his shoulder at work, a ridiculously unlucky situation which moved Rob Taylor (who is also struggling with a dodgy back) up to 4 and in stepped Warrington Legend, Pete Astbury, to play at 5, helping us out massively at such short notice. This gave him his season debut for the first team - probably thinking he could swan in and take the glory for winning the league!
I went on first against Connor Sheen (below). I just couldn't quite get my body around enough to sneak a game or two which we needed, although I did hold a game ball in the third, and a badly timed corkscrew boast put an end to that. In my head it would have been awesome!
Pete Astbury had already trained that day and looked like an exhausted figure on court as he was dominated by Andy Breen. So we've got 0 points so far, but never mind, Ben was a banker at number 2.....
Ben lost 3-0 to an inspired Lwamba who seemed very relaxed, using the front of the court more than usual but to good effect (below). Now we're in big trouble..... Rob was also 2-0 down to an absolutely in-form, and ever improving Cory Harding.
With George Parker and Rui Soares going on last, and George definitely favourite after beating Rui 3-0 last week and holding the PSA ranking advantage of 36 to Rui's 55, things were not looking good at all for us getting the 2 required points. I could literally see our League title slipping away very quickly in front of my eyes.
Rob went 3-0 down in the third game (below) and then, somehow, found some nice volley drop winners, catching Cory out with a few cross-court faded volley drops, and he found himself 10-4 up. Just one more point please Rob, and one good game from Rui and we'd be over the line. I had to watch Cory fight back to 10-all, as I began to turn pale again. Luckily Rob got his two points to take the game, and at the exact same time Rui won the first game against George. Phew! We did it.
Rob lost the 4th game easily, but Rui was not done. Not settling with the one game he needed he went on to beat George 3-1 (below). And let me tell you - Rui played fantastically well. His level was so high, playing well above his ranking of 55 in the World. His movement was even smoother and slicker than ever, which enabled him exemplary balance on every shot, which led to supreme confidence. He was moving the ball around the court expertly well and finishing off rallies with wonderful displays of touch into the front corners. Honestly, this was a top class performance of squash. I was incredibly impressed and Rui went away feeling like he'd played one of his best ever matches.
So, Warrington scraped home and won the league by 2 clear points in the end. We fought hard even with many factors out of our control for the majority of the season. I had major hip issues and lost a lot after barely losing for 25 years, Sam Wileman who was in fine form and was a banker every match at number 5, snapped his achilles heel in the Cheshire Closed final, meaning he was out for the majority of the season. And then with Charlie Cowie freakishly injuring himself at work before the last match. Our dedication from the likes of Joel, Adrian and Rui who travel far and always make themselves available whenever physically possible, has been a big factor to our success this season. We're forever grateful. James Earles has been awarded our player of the season, winning 11 out of 11 at number 2 (below). Some of his performances have been top quality, and even when his form wasn't there he'd always fight himself back into form to claim the win. His performance last week from 2-0 down against Cheetham Hill basically won us the league. He may be a small fella but he's our big hero!
So, another successful season is over - bring on next season.....
See you soon.
Andy Whipp
Photos: Richard Bradbury


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